14 Mar 2014


Decorating newly build house is a challenge and I don't only mean it to your budget, but also to your imagination. Especially when you buy ready made house project like us and many things simply can not be changed. In our case that was the staircase which is very small and narrow. To make it even worse one of the walls has this roundish shape, so the aim was to make it visually bigger, brighter and more spacious where possible.

The inspiration came from my old office in London, where they have this massive lobby area whit led stripe lights fitted into the walls. Whoever came up to this idea was brilliant! The space got brighter than ever and it gained this stylish look. Obviously what looks good in one place doesn't necessarily have to look good in other, but I have decided to try it anyway.

It took me a while though to convince our electrician to do the job, but in the end we compromised on what can and can't be done. Today I can honestly say it was worth every penny. When people come to our house they get stunned as soon as I turn the lights on. I must say it's kind of magical impression and my kid loves it.

Clearly I had some doubts when we started, because the stripes were really bright and I was panicking we may end up having something like Christmas tree lights in there, but when we painted the walls grey everything looked perfectly fine.

When we started it looked pretty scary and completely demolished, because we had to cut the walls to attach the lights and then connect it all together again, but we managed somehow. If you want to see how it all happened click here.

Today thankfully it doesn't look so scary any more...

To add more contemporary look to our staircase I have decided to go for oak stairs fitted on metal frame with glassy steel handles. That allowed to keep the space open.

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